Sun, Mar 09, 2025
Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Life should not be hindered because you recognise a difficulty in hearing. Generally this can be wrongly associated with advancing age, but this is not always the case. Although...



Tinnitus is the perception of a sound for which there is no external source, generally an annoying sensation. Symptoms of tinnitus include types of phantom noises in your ears such...

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

No matter what age you are protect your hearing against exposure to loud noise and it will be one of the best investments you will make. Hearing loss can be a direct result of anoccupation, a...

Professional Services

Professional Services

At earpeace™ we provide a range of audiology services which include: Client Hearing Assessment; Medical & Lifestyle History, Otoscopy & Audiometry Provision of Hearing Aids; Selection...

earpeace™ eShop

earpeace™ eShop

Batteries Life is too short to be worrying about where you should get your hearing aid/protection supplies. We have developed the earpeace™ shop facility where you can reorder all the supplies and...

earpeace™ | Events

earpeace™ | Events

At earpeace™ we provide support to community groups through the running of events by our national network of professional audiologists. You can register here for these events in your local...

  • Hearing Loss

  • Tinnitus

  • Hearing Protection

  • Professional Services

  • earpeace™ eShop

  • earpeace™ | Events

Welcome to our Client centre. Hearing protection and assisted hearing are the fundamental products and services provided by earpeace™. Our clients range from individuals concerned about changes in their own hearing, to organisations engaged in manufacturing and construction processes that are implementing / updating workplace practices.

The basic access points on the website are provided through the following links:

YourCheckHearingLoss-120px    Usually when we are researching information about hearing loss, it is often when we have finished work and attended to other engagements, which probably means that it is now night time and access to audiology professionals is limited. Should you find yourself in this situation and you think that you may have a hearing loss, this questionnaire will give you preliminary feedback right away and guidance on what to do next.


Symptoms of tinnitus can vary greatly. If you think that you may have a form of tinnitus then completing this questionnaire should provide you with some information and guidance on the condition when discussing with one of our Audiologists.



If as part of your research about hearing protection, hearing assessment or assisted hearing products and services, you require more information, please use this link to let us know what you require and we will do our best to facilitate you. The more relevant information you can provide the better!

RequestanAppointment-120px   Generally appointments are facilitated by contacting our Head Office, or directly at our Local Clinics. However, if it is not convenient for you to do this right now then you can send an appointment request using this link and we will get back to you during the next working day.
YourOnlineShop-r1-120px   Often times supplies for your hearing protection and assisted hearing products are difficult to get at realistic prices. At earpeace™ we not only want to make this process easy for you to get the items you need, but we will endeavour to get you the best prices possible. As a registered user you can access the shop. When you login as a customer of earpeace™ you will be guided to the supplies that match the products you have already purchased.
YourLocalClinic-120px   We believe that the provision of our local clinics is an important way of bringing our support services closer to our customers. We are continually updating our network so check this link to see if earpeace™ is in your area. If not, then please let us know!


Tags: hearing, protection, earpeace™, tinnitus

Events Calendar

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