Sun, Mar 09, 2025
Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Life should not be hindered because you recognise a difficulty in hearing. Generally this can be wrongly associated with advancing age, but this is not always the case. Although...



Tinnitus is the perception of a sound for which there is no external source, generally an annoying sensation. Symptoms of tinnitus include types of phantom noises in your ears such...

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

No matter what age you are protect your hearing against exposure to loud noise and it will be one of the best investments you will make. Hearing loss can be a direct result of anoccupation, a...

Professional Services

Professional Services

At earpeace™ we provide a range of audiology services which include: Client Hearing Assessment; Medical & Lifestyle History, Otoscopy & Audiometry Provision of Hearing Aids; Selection...

earpeace™ eShop

earpeace™ eShop

Batteries Life is too short to be worrying about where you should get your hearing aid/protection supplies. We have developed the earpeace™ shop facility where you can reorder all the supplies and...

earpeace™ | Events

earpeace™ | Events

At earpeace™ we provide support to community groups through the running of events by our national network of professional audiologists. You can register here for these events in your local...

  • Hearing Loss

  • Tinnitus

  • Hearing Protection

  • Professional Services

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  • earpeace™ | Events

Hearing Protection Technology

earpeace™ places great emphasis on providing customers with world class hearing protection technology developed by organisations that, like ourselves, place patient care foremost. Our Hearing Protection Technology Supplier is:





The range of technology available is significant and most hearing protection scenarios can be accommodated. Depending on the customer's requirements, whether trying to accommodate, home, social, work environments, or a combination of all environments we have categorised solutions into a number of environments as follows:

Musicians | Events

musicians-250pxMusicians, Singer / Songwriters, and Concert goers have at least one thing in common - they love to perform or attend live performances. As Victor Hugo put it "music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent". Often times we do not realise the damage to our hearing in attending live events, until some time after the event when we experience a form of temporary tinnitus. In many venues, depending on the acoustics we can experience spikes in volume or even sustained periods of loud sound. Even in sporting arenas we can experience a level of loud noise when, for example, a crowd responds to their team's achievement on the field of play.

Concert-250pxearpeace™ is now able to bring you the Alpine®MusicSafe Pro filtered ear plugs, exclusively, for the first time in Ireland along with the Alpine®MusicSafe Classic filtered ear plugs. The Alpine® MusicSafe Pro ear plugs are much sought after by musicians.

Next time you plan on attending a concert, sporting event, or are performing with other musicians in a band, group, or as a DJ, why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs. Protecting your hearing is one of the best investments you will ever make.

 MusicSafe Pro


 MusicSafe Classic


 The average drum set can easily produce 100 decibels. If you listen to this for longer than seven minutes, you risk incurring significant damage to your hearing. And given that the ear is the most important part of any musician's body, it is vital to give it extra protection.





Industry | Farming


"Exposure to noise at work can harm workers' health. The most well-known effect of noise at work is loss of hearing, a problem observed among coppersmiths in 1731. However, it can also exacerbate stress and increase the risk of accidents", according to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. They continue to say that "Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the most common occupational disease in Europe, accounting for about one third of all work-related diseases, ahead of skin and respiratory problems1.
NIHL is usually caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise. The first symptom is normally the inability to hear high-pitched sounds. Unless the problem of excessive noise is addressed, a person's hearing will deteriorate further, including difficulties detecting lower-pitched sounds. This will normally occur in both ears. The damage of noise-induced hearing loss is permanent."

1 Reported in Data to describe the link between OSH and employability, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2002, ISBN 92-95007-66-2.


Farming as a practice has changed greatly over recent years, where a lot of automation has been introduced. However, with intensification of farming processes, farmers and farming contractors are being exposed to increasing levels of noise due to the large scale equipment that is being used to undertake more activities in a shorter timescale. According to Penn State College of Agricultural Science "production agriculture can generate high noise levels. Noise is typically defined as unpleasant, unwanted, or hazardous sound. Tractors, forage harvesters, silage blowers, chain saws, skid-steer loaders, grain dryers, squealing pigs and guns are some of the most typical sources of noise on the farm. Studies suggest that lengthy exposure to these high sound levels have resulted in noise induced hearing loss to farmers of all ages, including teenagers. A serious hearing loss injury is not as dramatic nor as sudden as a tractor overturn or machine entanglement injury, but it is permanent."


A significant number of people work in excessively noisy environments on a regular basis or even daily. For this particular group the risk of hearing damage is very high. When working in excessively noisy environments it is absolutely crucial to wear proper hearing protection.

Whether you are an employee, self-employed, or just doing projects around the house that envolve noisy equipment, why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs. Protecting your hearing is one of the best investments you will ever make.


Motorsport | Flying


Motor Sport

According to Evan Kay of Motorcycle Crusier "Most riders think that the majority of noise associated with riding comes from the motorcycle itself. However, wind noise created by air turbulence produces almost all noise over 35 mph. Measurements of motorcycle riding noise levels vary, but are generally around 85-95 dB at speeds up to 35 mph, climbing to 110-116 dB at 65 mph. According to the chart, you shouldn't ride on the highway for more than 15 minutes a day. Which is why you need hearing protection-it's ridiculously easy to exceed hearing-safety thresholds in a short period of time. Don't think wearing a full-face helmet will cut it, either; studies have shown that, at best, they only provide a 3-5 dB reduction in sound reaching the rider's ears."


Next time you plan on taking the bike out whether in work related, voluntary capacity, or just as your hobby, why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs. Protecting your hearing is one of the best investments you will ever make.




While not all travellers experience ear pain while flying, those that do can have an uncomfortable flight. Flying with a cold or nasal congestion can intensify the problem and make for painful, and possibly dangerous, outcomes.  Some methods to alleviate the pain include chewing gum, yawning and swallowing, but these require being awake and attentive. Ear plugs help to stabilize ear pressure while you relax, or get on with your work. Typically those already using ear plugs include the air industry workers and frequent flyers. 

flying-in-comfort-250pxIndeed if you are a frequent flyer, you will appreciate the 'chance' you get on flights to be out of contact, get uninterrupted time to perpare for your next appointment and some recharge. For something that takes up very little room but can probably contribute more to you in-flight relaxation than anything else in your carry on luggage!

Why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs before your next flight. 




swimming-200pxIncreasing numbers of swimmers and other water sports enthusiasts are now using ear plugs to protect their ears against water and chlorine ingress. In some cases water getting into the ears can lead to infection. This is known as Swimmer's ear, (otitis externa) which is an inflammation and infection of the ear canal. It occurs when the protective film that covers the ear canal (lipid layer) is removed. Swimmer's ear may develop when water, sand, dirt, or other debris gets into the ear canal.

With the Alpine® SwimSafe ear plugs, you are well protected and water does not get into your ears. An additional advantage is that these ear plugs also filter away excessive loud noise, for example the noise of children screaming and yelling in the pool. Of course you can still hear normal environmental sounds like instructions from the lifeguard or directions from the water polo coach. And you can also use our SwimSafe when taking a bath or a shower.

AlpineSwimSafe-01-200pxThe unique design of the SwimSafe ear plugs prevents the sensation of being completely shut off from the outside world or of having too much pressure on your inner ear. As well as this, bacteria have no chance to settle in your ears. SwimSafe hearing protection is suitable for adults and children of eight years and older.

Why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs before you take to the water next.




sleeping-200pxYour ability to function and feel well while you're awake depends on whether you're getting enough total sleep and enough of each type of sleep. It also depends on whether you're sleeping at a time when your body is prepared and ready to sleep. If you aren't getting enough sleep, are sleeping at the wrong times, or have poor quality sleep, you'll likely feel very tired during the day. You may not feel refreshed and alert when you wake up.

Sleep deficiency can interfere with work, school, driving, and social functioning. You might have trouble learning, focusing, and reacting. Also, you might find it hard to judge other people's emotions and reactions. Sleep deficiency also can make you feel frustrated, cranky, or worried in social situations.

AlpineSleepSoft-01-250pxSleepSoft ear plugs suppress any noise from the environment to a comfortable level. This eliminates the nuisance caused by traffic, snoring sounds, neighbours or other noise, while still being able to hear sounds of a high frequency such as crying babies, the doorbell, an alarm clock or other alarms. This is possible thanks to the ear plugs' special acoustic filters. In addition the Sleep Soft ear plugs are produced from a very soft, flexible and durable thermoplastic material. Due to the warmth of the ear it adapts to the shape of the auditory duct. Therefore, SleepSoft ear plugs are very comfortable and you will hardly notice that you're wearing them. At last, able to enjoy your wonderful night of sleep even more.

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. If you are missing out on quality sleep, why not visit our eShop and invest in a set of filtered ear plugs.

Tags: hearing, protection, earpeace™

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