Mon, Mar 10, 2025
Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Life should not be hindered because you recognise a difficulty in hearing. Generally this can be wrongly associated with advancing age, but this is not always the case. Although...



Tinnitus is the perception of a sound for which there is no external source, generally an annoying sensation. Symptoms of tinnitus include types of phantom noises in your ears such...

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

No matter what age you are protect your hearing against exposure to loud noise and it will be one of the best investments you will make. Hearing loss can be a direct result of anoccupation, a...

Professional Services

Professional Services

At earpeace™ we provide a range of audiology services which include: Client Hearing Assessment; Medical & Lifestyle History, Otoscopy & Audiometry Provision of Hearing Aids; Selection...

earpeace™ eShop

earpeace™ eShop

Batteries Life is too short to be worrying about where you should get your hearing aid/protection supplies. We have developed the earpeace™ shop facility where you can reorder all the supplies and...

earpeace™ | Events

earpeace™ | Events

At earpeace™ we provide support to community groups through the running of events by our national network of professional audiologists. You can register here for these events in your local...

  • Hearing Loss

  • Tinnitus

  • Hearing Protection

  • Professional Services

  • earpeace™ eShop

  • earpeace™ | Events




18 November 2013

earpeace™ teams up with Alpine® Hearing Protection

AlpineLogo-150pxearpeace™ is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Alpine® Hearing Protection, the largest producer of generic hearing protection with an acoustic filter system, to provide hearing protection ear plugs for the music industry in Ireland. Musicians have a significant risk of incurring hearing loss due to the environment in which they work. "MusicSafe Pro ear plugs have been specifically developed for performers and we are delighted that Europe's number one ear plug for musicians, is now available in Ireland", said Ton de Weerd, Sales Director at Alpine® Hearing Protection.

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31 October 2013

earpeace™ adds LiSN-S PGA to Diagnostic Audiology Services

LiSN-logo-70pxearpeace™ is delighted to announce the addition of LiSN-S to enhance our suite of diagnostic audiology services already available. LiSN-S PGA is the new benchmark speech-in-noise test for patients with an existing hearing loss. Where a patient experiences difficulty with speech discrimination, this unique diagnostic tool assists our audiologists in evaluating

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26 July 2013

Grant Scheme for Hearing Aids

earpeace™ formally received the contract from the Department of Social Protection which means that we are now listed on the Medical Appliance Panel to supply hearing aids to customers who qualify for the grant provided under the Treatment Benefit Scheme.

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04 October 2013

earpeace™ Opens Leitrim Clinic

eplogo-70x100pxearpeace™ is happy to announce the opening of their new clinic in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Our plan is to bring our range of audiology services closer to our customers, so that they can enjoy life-long support for their hearing needs. The Carrick-on-Shannon clinic is located

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19 July 2013

earpeace™ Launch Website

eplogo-37x53pxOur new website has finally arrived. Many thanks for your patience! It will take a little time to populate all the information and make it available to you. This website has been designed to facilitate both our existing and prospective customers in finding the relevant information. We are always open to suggestions of improvement and would be happy to accommodate your valued feedback wherever possible.

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Events Calendar

March  2025
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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